
June 29, 2012

Week 36

Well we have ourselves an induction date! In 16 days I will be admitted into the hospital for preparation of my anti-coagulation levels and the very next day in the morning the doctor will start my induction- or the nurses or residents or whoever.

This week hasn't been so bad. The baby has dropped so my bladder is certainly screaming "uncle! uncle!" especially when I get up in the middle of the night. My stomach is still a bit touchy. I've thrown up about once every couple weeks through my entire 2nd and 3rd trimester. So, while its not pleasant - I'll take it over the once or twice daily vomit of my 1st trimester.

But, stomach issues aside I will admit this pregnancy has gone way better then expected. I didn't end up in the hospital with anything major (knock on wood). After the worst of the first trimester I felt at least "ok" most days and now at the end, I am sleeping ok. I'm not too swollen and my weight gain (or lack thereof) has been really good. My blood pressure is better now then before I got pregnant! So, I've been very lucky considering my risk factors and I couldn't be more grateful!

As the time gets closer and closer I'm actually more and less anxious at the same time. I'm increasingly excited to meet our son but I'm also ok with having a couple more weeks to ourselves and to stock-pile sleep. I'm nervous, excited and oddly calm in some respects. Most of all I'm incredibly happy and am looking forward to this new chapter in our lives. We've wanted this for awhile and just thinking about actually getting to hold our baby boy makes me cry!

At the doctor's office this morning they checked me. Which was a much better experience then when I was in the hospital before. Don't get me wrong, it was still uncomfortable, but it was a lot more manageable then the obviously rough Resident chick sticking her arm up there a few weeks ago!

They gave me the group B strep test and that was interesting (now I know what my friend Rachel was talking about with the back-door action lol!) ...yeah, as in they swab you there too!

I am 70% effaced (out of 100%) and dilated 1/2 cm and the baby is at -3 station. So, I still have a ways to go, but they seemed optimistic that at 36w4d these are good signs that I'm progressing well towards labor and delivery. Next week is an ultrasound to check for baby position, length, weight and amniotic fluid levels.

I just can't believe in 16 days we'll be walking into the hospital and we won't leave until we are someone's parents. Unbelievable!

Pregnancy symptoms:  My bladder is really killing me. It pretty much aches all the time. Not fun. I got sick last night after not eating  very much, so I'm no so sure the amount is always the problem- it seems just every now and then, that's what's gonna happen... I will be happy when that's over. Some feet swelling but nothing too major. I get really bad hand cramps in the morning from swollen joints and it goes away after I'm up for about an hour...odd little side effect I never knew about before. My friend Alesha experienced the same thing.

How far along: 36 weeks 4 days
How big is baby? well these are all estimates from anyway, I'll have a more accurate idea next Friday...
Weight gain/loss? +17.5 lbs (nurse was very happy to see this after my loss last week...she asked if I was eating ok. I said "yeah, like all the time" lol!
Sleep: Not too bad thankfully
Gender: Boy!
Maternity clothes: YesFood cravings/aversions: Loving me some foooood!
What are you looking forward to this week: I'm looking forward to spending another week bonding with the hubs and of course next week finding out little man's approx size and weight.

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