
June 15, 2012

Week 34

Can I just say "F- this s!&*$" That's pretty much how I'm feeling these days. Yeah, I know I have 4.5 weeks to go (6 if I was "normal") but you know what? At this point I was about ready to beg my doctor for mercy (actually I basically did) and give me an induction date so I can count down! But, not in the cards quite yet apparently. My non-stress tests (NSTs) are looking good. Baby boy's heart rate is awesome and everything on my end is going ok too. My blood-pressure is up a little- but I'm usually low so now I'm just normal, nothing to worry about. I had a bit of a spike in weight the last two weeks, so that no doubt is contributing to my fatigue and lower back pain...but considering I'm weighing in at about 10-15 lbs less then the average mama bear to this point, also no worries there.

However, my Vitamin D levels have dropped even lower and I need to be put back on a prescription, shocker there, since I basically knew that myself 14 weeks ago when they told me they DIDN'T need to re-test. But, I'm just the patient- what the F do I know? So yeah....

I know another women that is pregnant and is shocked by all the things her doctors office is not telling her or not checking into. I just want to say for any woman who is not used to dealing with the medical profession and especially those who have not be pregnant before. YOU have to be the one to read and research what is normal and what is not and what the doctors should be doing or testing for and when. I have the BEST high risk OB in the area and things are still missed. Phone calls about abnormal results are not made and lab results get lost. YOU have to be the one to stay on top of things if you really care about your medical care. Its sad and shouldn't be that way- but it is. So, don't rely on your doctor to tell you everything you need to know- its just not going to happen. Same with the pediatrician. You should know what developmental milestones your baby should reach and when and what is normal.

Hell, in our baby care class they didn't even go over the developmental milestones at all...apparently all you need to know is how to feed, diaper and swaddle and not when your baby should roll-over or crawl or walk or any of those things...unbelievable! I'm sure many new parents don't know those things. If they've never cared for an infant how would they?...but apparently that's not worth putting in the


Doctor says baby is showing signs that he'll be ready for labor soon. But, I guess the term "soon" is relative. "Soon" to me is like in a week or two...but "soon" to baby boy may be a good solid we're still shooting for July 16th or 39 weeks. However, the doc says if I go into labor on my own before then he won't stop it...but that would result in some fast work with the blood thinners and I may not get an epidural. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those ladies that is begging for an epidural but I'm totally fine with getting one too...I figure getting baby out safely is the goal- I'm not trying to be a hero and after the two years we've had leading up to this point....I'm just READY! But, I don't like the idea of not having the security of a date to look forward to like I thought I'd have or even the option for an epidural because my doc is insistent about pushing this to 39 weeks. I don't know, I'm just uncomfortable and my disposition is getting quite pissy and I would like to get the show on the road. Maybe I'm impatient but its honestly how I feel...why sugar-coat it?

But I guess if I can make it to the last 4 weeks of pregnancy before turning into a royal bitch I've done pretty well.

Pregnancy symptoms: A lot of Braxton Hicks contractions that are fairly uncomfortable. Lower back pain, sciatica, difficulty sleeping, I basically live in the bathroom, break-outs and lots of other fun stuff!

How far along: 34 weeks 4 days

How big is baby? 4.75 pounds; 18 inches long

Weight gain/loss? +15.5 lbs

Sleep: What is that? lol!

Gender: Boy!

Maternity clothes: Yes

Food cravings/aversions
: I'm just hungry all the time.

What are you looking forward to this week: I'm looking forward to each week passing getting closer and closer to having my little man on the OUTSIDE! I want what is safe and best for him and I know right now that is staying put- believe me, I know that. But, I'm not gonna lie, I'd like my body back please. Just the simple act of being able to use my ab muscles again to sit up will be nice :)