
July 8, 2012

Week 37

Apparently my son is following in my footsteps already and keeping things interesting. This week I went for my usual bi-weekly NSTs (non-stress tests), ultrasound and appointment with my doctor. The NST went very well, as usual. Lincoln was rocking and rolling and showing off. His heart-rate and movements were perfect. As I left my NST appointment, Debby, the NST nurse asked me how big I thought the baby would be. I told her I have a feeling he's going to be little. But she, like most other people said, "naw, I don't think so- I'm guessing around 6 or 7 pounds." This is the same exact conversation I've had with about 5 other people. I had a feeling he'd be tiny and deep down inside I was hoping he just wasn't too tiny.

So, the ultrasound starts. The tech asks me if I know what I'm having. I say yes, a boy. She says "yes, no mistaking that!" I laughed (out loud!). Then she goes, "oh he has hair!" I was surprised as both my husband and I were born pretty bald. She showed me the 1.5-2 inch wisps of hair on Linc's head. It looked curly, although its wet of that got me to thinking about what color it may be--I'm guessing blond.

Next, the tech did her measurements. I was able to see Linc's head of course (it looks so giant compared to week 19), and his spine and little legs bent up and crossed at the ankle. He had both hands tucked up under his chin and he was (thankfully) in the correct position- head-down. The tech told me the amniotic fluid looked good but as she started doing measurements she got really quiet. At the end of the ultrasound I asked her how big she thought he was. She asked me to wait while the computer calibrated..."well, he's looking about 4 pounds, 15're seeing the doctor today, right?" I said, yes.

At first, I wasn't too concerned. As I said, I just KNEW he would be tiny- but honestly I was hoping he was at least over the 5lb (safe to take home from hospital range). And even though he is very close I know most babies lose a few ounces after birth. Then when I saw the doctor what he told me made me very nervous. He said since the baby was in the 43rd percentile at 19 weeks and is now in the 20th percentile, either that initial ultrasound was wrong or the baby (since then) is experiencing a bit of Intrauterine Growth Restriction. He specifically thinks the placenta might not be 100%. In other words, the baby may not getting enough calories and nutrition from the placenta causing him to grow slower. The doctor had mentioned in the past that I hadn't gained a lot of weight and that I was a small women so it may just be how things panned out. I know I've been eating and eating - anyone who has been with my at a meal lately knows that! And by now I've gained 20lbs which is great. And I know I'm a small women but many women in my family are small, smaller then me, and have a had average size babies. And of course the doctor mentioned the most likely culprit- the clotting disorder.

It is possible the clotting disorder is causing the placenta to not work at 100% capacity. He told me that he wants to monitor me extra close for the next week- NSTs as usual and another ultrasound in one week. If anything is remotely "off" or changes, he wants me in the hospital.

So, here we are. We may be having a baby this week or very early next week. My NSTs have been great- so I'm expecting to be admitted on Friday (yes, Friday the 13th) or Sunday the 15th as planned. All we're hoping for is that baby will gain that 1/2 lb this week that he desperately needs. If he does not we're likely looking at an even earlier induction and possibly a longer stay in the hospital for baby. I have a vision of feeding tubes and ventilators and I just hope that is not our baby's fate. I know he's strong- I KNOW. I feel his kicks and movements and he is a tough little man-- I just hope he makes it outside the womb and thrives. Isn't that what all parents want?

We're scared but we're doing everything we can and we have to just sit back and have faith. We have to have faith that the baby we never thought we'd have is strong and destined to be healthy and happy and survive this horrible medical condition he's been created within.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sharing your faith. I know he is a strong little guy and I know he will thrive in this world. Medical condition aside ,he comes from strong stock on all sides!.
