
Week 25, 26 and yikes 27!
First trimester belly
(weeks 0, 4, 9, 12)
Second Trimester Belly (weeks 16, 19, 24, 27)
(and yes those are my hubby's sexy old boxer shorts- be jealous)
Whoa have I gotten behind here! Well its for a good reason- we've been busy as sh*# getting ready for this kid! We have the nursery completed and we love how it turned out!

We also have all the hand-me-down clothes we've received (three giant boxes full) washed and put away. Fred has started on the spare bedroom in the basement (for family over-night visitors and others who may want to see the baby and stay a night or just hang for a weekend). We have registered for baby-prep and childbirth classes and planned a mini-vacation for next weekend.

The first shower is in 9 days! And from there the schedule just get's busier and busier until little man arrives. May is insane and June is childbirth classes, meeting with the pediatrician and prepping my replacement at work for while I'm on leave. My third and final trimester is only two days away. 

A light bit of nerves have set in. I'm not really scared about the birth- nervous for sure...but its more about all the changes this little guy will bring. Changes in my life, my marriage, my relationships and of course nerves about the incredible responsibility headed our way. As a caregiver for 9 years I'm no stranger to putting someone else's needs ahead of my own...but that situation was very different and change can be great but sometimes its a little scary isn't it? I think these feelings are completely normal. 

And as I watch my body getting bigger I'm a little nervous about what my body will look and feel like after all this...but in the end I realize this is a choice we made and something we've wanted for years. Yeah my sleep, sex life and body will be changed forever but in their place will be something even better and more meaningful. I hear many women say they realized their purpose in life after becoming a mother. And while I don't think you need to be a mother to find purpose or have a purposeful life it has to be one of the single most amazing things a person (and body) can do. I look forward to loving my son and learning from everything he'll teach me about the world and about myself.

One great thing this pregnancy has already taught me is that having hang ups about my body, or comparing myself to other women's bodies, is incredibly point-less. If I'm healthy, that is what matters, not the size on my jeans or my bra. My body is doing something wonderful and if I have a few scars afterwards, so be it. There is great freedom in feeling this way now.

Pregnancy symptoms: My belly is straight-up doing the wave some mornings and I've been able to detect a pattern to little man's movements. I feel like I'm starting to know him and bond with him already and its really amazing. Fred looks at me with such adoring these days...I never could have imagined what it would feel to have him look at me the way he has been lately. He looks at me like he's amazed by me and what is to come. He's going to be so amazing with our son, I can tell.
How far along: 27 weeks 5 days
How big is baby? 2 pounds; 14 inches long
Weight gain/loss? +9.5 lbs
Sleep: Sleep has been a bit better because I'm finally getting used to side sleeping- plus (thanks to a gift certificate from my awesome friend) I was able to buy a belly pillow with has taken a lot of strain off my lower back- I highly recommend these!
Gender: Boy!
Maternity clothes: Yup...although my pre-preg sweats and many shirts still fit.
Food cravings/aversions: No cravings in particular- just hungry
What are you looking forward to this week: Busting (or bursting might be more like it) into that 3rd trimester! And very much looking forward to a much needed three day weekend get-away with my love. Time to enjoy the alone time before it is few and far between!

April 18, 2012

I know, I know- I'm behind. I plan to blog about week 25 and 26 together since I was super-busy last week and just didn't get around to it.

I have so much to do right now my head is spinning. I never realized how much preparation is involved before you have a baby. I mean I assumed some stuff, but some other things (like interviewing pediatricians and washing every GD thing you get before you can put it on the baby, and signing up for birth classes takes WAY more time then I expected). We have the nursery 85% complete, but there are no clothes in there yet and no organization, let alone all the "baby stuff" we need in addition to clothes...madness how much they "need." Sure, we'll find they don't "need" all of it- but how do you know until they're here what works for you and your baby and what doesn't?

So, anyway- enough of complaining about that. Good news this week is that my blood levels (while still crappy) seem to be of less concern to my doctor, so I was able to decrease my lovenox dose a bit- yay! Still doing 4 shots a day but not looking like I'll need 6 (whew!!)

Also, its come to my attention that a blog disclaimer is needed these days....

This is a very personal blog to me. Many of my posts are on days I'm very happy, or very sad, or about something that is on my mind. Nothing on this blog is meant to personally offend any of my readers in any way, shape or form. One day I might be irritated by the over-achieving moms of the world, the next I might be annoyed by the "I never want kids" ladies out there. It is what it is and we are all irritated by different things at different times. But, for the most part this blog is meant to be read with a grain of salt and most of the time I "try" to apply humor to the post, whatever it may be about. So please, if you don't seem to have a sense of humor about things on a particular day, please don't feel the need to read my posts.

Some days I may be totally off base and other days I may be spot-on. I'm learning my way through life, and pregnancy (and soon parenthood) as many other people are (or have done) so please take into consideration that above all else, I am really not trying to take myself too seriously here- and neither should you.

Thank you for reading!

April 9, 2012

First and second trimester pregnancy lies.

Lies all lies I tell want a clean, clear dose of reality...well you can get it here!!! I am NOT about to sugarcoat this here it goes...

***First, let me preface this by saying that I realize (like as in, no duh!) that not all pregnancies are the same, in fact most are different and certainly all women are different in their experiences of pregnancy. However, as I am well over half-way down this "journey" I'd like to speak on a few myths or lies, or as I like to call them "shit people forget after the baby is born." This is mainly intended for all you mothers-to-be eventually out there. ***

Lie #1: If you have your period, that means you are not pregnant.

It is possible to know you are pregnant PRIOR to missing a period and it is also possible to still BE pregnant AFTER you have had a period. 20-30% of women experience bleeding early in a pregnancy.

So please ladies, if you are sexually active, don't use protection "correctly" or "religiously" and have ANY pregnancy symptoms after your period is over (sore breasts, moodiness, yeast or bladder infections, nausea, vomiting, twinges in your breasts etc.) yourself a solid and take a pregnancy test. If symptoms persist, take another in a week or so. As someone who has had this very thing happen, the $13 bucks is worth it for peace of mind.

Lie #2: Most women are not that sick when they are pregnant, only some get morning sickness.

Those friends and family members who tell you they were never sick through their pregnancy...they are in the minority...sorry. Morning sickness affects about 70 percent of pregnant women. It usually begins at four to eight weeks of pregnancy and subsides by fourteen to sixteen weeks. Even though it is called morning sickness, the vomiting and nausea in early pregnancy can occur at any time of the day. 

AND it can continue into the second and even the third trimester too (but only 30% of us are lucky enough to experience it that long!). Good news is that you become a pro at it by then! And you lose your fear of throwing up...I was sick about once or twice a day from weeks 9-13 and have thrown up about once a week or once every other week since then (into week 25).

Another small piece of good news is women who are sick actually are less likely to miscarry. So, while it means you're miserable, it usually means your baby is strong. After two pregnancies with no sickness and miscarriage and this one with a lot of sickness and no miscarriage, in my case- this is absolutely true.

 Lie #3: You'll love your body when you're pregnant and will have a glow.

Sure, I've come to embrace my curves more as I've been pregnant and I have been told I am "glowing" and my skin looks pretty good overall. BUT weird shit happens to your body too...and not just the obvious stuff either. Hyper-pigmentation can occur, not just in that line on the belly or in darker nipples, but many women get blotchy spots on their face that don't always go away (known as melasma). I'm glad I have not experienced this but I've seen it and man...that's not cool. Break-outs are also more common in the second trimester so for women who are prone to acne as it is, this can be miserable!

Also, your feet can grow and stay bigger, as can (will?) your hips and "other" things. And of course stretch-marks....that brings me to lie #4...
Lie #4: You can use cream to prevent stretch marks.

Now, applying cream that increases your skin's elasticity and has collagen in it will probably lessen the appearance of stretch marks and will make your belly less itchy...oh yeah, your belly itches like a bitch as it grows by the way, but most things I've read say if you are gonna get stretch marks (50% of women) you're going to get them, no matter how much money you spend on cream. So, buy some cream but don't be stupid thinking a $50 bottle of the stuff is going to make that big of a difference because it won't.

Lie #5: Sex is awesome when you're pregnant.

Sex can kinda hurts when you're pregnant. I don't mean excruciating. But your cervix is super-sensitive and orgasms can actually hurt...or cause cramping to be more exact. But, on a positive note, some women actually orgasm easier when that's a bonus. But from the majority of what I hear....your sex life will never really be exactly the same again. Sorry.
Lie #6: You'll find that you connect to other mothers more and people without children less.

In some ways yes, going through the experience of pregnancy and parenting can bring people closer. It only makes sense that you would become closer to people that know what you're life is like and what you are going (or have gone) through. Also, people need to understand that kids are exhausting and take a lot of time and for full-time parents you need to get a sitter to have "couples nights" and that shit can get expensive. I always hate when I hear people complain that they don't see someone as much after they have a kid- well of course you won't seem them as much! Are you kidding me!?! Just like when I was in graduate school people didn't see me as much...that shit takes a lot of time!

However,  since I've been pregnant I have (on occasion) found myself being really surprised by some peoples comments or questions (usually people who have never been pregnant). I find myself thinking "why don't they know that?," and then I want to smack myself because I realize... it is not others that change when you become pregnant or become a parent, YOU are the one that changes. And yes, EVERYONE will change in some doesn't need to mean everything about them changes, but something will- it has to! The same way learning about something makes you incorporate that into your mental schema in a way that you think everyone should know it how to correctly pronounce something or even how to spell correctly. This does not mean that everyone else SHOULD or CAN know these things though. A very important distinction.
And sometimes I find that parents are the most critical of OTHER parents. God, if I had a dime for every time I heard a parent going on and on about how these other parents spank, or immunize or don't immunize or how loud their kids are...not to mention the working mom vs. stay-at-home mom crap. Shouldn't parents be supporting other parents? Don't get me post about parents that let their kids get away with everything is a judgement call and everyone is guilty of this. But I tell you what, EVERY parent does something "right" and I'm pretty sure every parent also does something "wrong" at some point I really hate it when I hear parents thinking they are the perfect parents....because nobody is.

Lie #7: You will gain a ton of weight when you are pregnant.

Not necessarily! And can we say - yay to this one!!! Good thing about being in the majority of the 70% of women who have morning sickness is you won't usually gain a ton of weight at the beginning of your pregnancy. Most women in these situations only gain a few pounds, if any, in their first trimester, which sets them up to be in good shape for the rest of the pregnancy. Now, of course if you're starting off thin you should really try to gain in all trimesters but for most women of average weight or a few extra pounds, its not needed nor will it automatically happen.

This leads into the second part of the equation. From what I can tell from talking to a lot  of women, what you eat may or may not impact how much weight you gain. Now it seems logical that if you eat healthy you will not gain as much as if you eat a bunch of crap. Sure- this is probably true in some cases. But in many of the cases I've heard about - you are going to gain what you're going to gain and there isn't a whole lot you can do about it.

Case point- I am the type of girl that LOVES to eat. I also like to work-out, so I am overweight but not nearly as beastly as I could be. I also can pack on the pounds super the tune of 5 lbs in a weekend, easy. Since I've been pregnant I lost weight in my 1st trimester and have been eating pretty much whatever I want since and have gained about 6lbs less than what is average for 25 week gestation (12lbs). First time in my damn life this has happened and I am LOVING it! My niece, who was also overweight when she got pregnant only gained 20lbs with each of her two children and weighs 40lbs less now then when she got pregnant with her first. Sometimes, it happens!

Lie (Truth) #8: (I don't know if this is technically a lie but I never believed it until it happened to me).  Your memory will turn to complete and total crap when you are pregnant and you may (or may not) ever get it back.

I am the type of person that is super organized and I usually have a great memory. In fact much of my work relies on my memory and being able to remember what I (and other people) are supposed to be doing. I juggle about 15 projects at once and need to remember dates and times and a lot of other crap. Well, since about 10 weeks pregnant my memory has declined a good 40% (seriously).

I forgot it was even Easter until Good Friday (you'd think the title of Good Friday would have tipped me off huh?) AND this was after making Easter candy with my aunt in advance. I also forgot to pay the mortgage, have left my phone, planner or something at home when I left for work at least once every month since becoming pregnant. AND I have even forgot to pee until well...let's just say something happened that I'm not too proud of...

I hear this doesn't get better until about 6 months post I'm warning all of my friends, family and co-workers now- not to expect too damn much from me in this regard. Maybe I set the bar too high all these years...maybe those flighty chicks have got it right...because when everyone is used to you having a great memory they are not so understanding when it slips away....and they think pregnancy is an "excuse"- NO, IT IS THE DAMN TRUTH!!! Pregnancy brain is real and it sucks donkey balls!

Well, that's about all I have for now. Granted I am only 25 weeks along, so I'm sure I'll have  3rd trimester and delivery lies for you in the weeks and months to come!!!

But I do have to say, along with the lies (and the implied humor of this post, please don't take me too seriously) I am overjoyed and excited about being pregnant and welcoming my son into the world. But am I going to look at him at some point and say "you little shit, do you know what you put me through?" yeah, I probably will.

April 7, 2012

24 weeks

Holy crap-ola! I know I've said this a million times but time is a flying!!! This week has been pretty ok for the most part. Other than a cold that had me feeling like death for about 3 days (and yes I'm feeling better now) things have been ok. I am finally getting used to the 4 shots per day (watch my doctor increase it to 6 a day when I see him tomorrow, kill-joy) and I'm finally getting used to toting around this belly...somewhat. Hubs is doing well and we both found out we're getting bonuses at work soon....AWESOME!!! Since they cant manage to give us much of a raise these days we'll take the bonuses thank you!

We are almost finished with the nursery. Just need to hang up the "decor" items - pictures, book crates etc...and then we'll be ready for the shower craziness. I'm so excited for my showers but also a little overwhelmed at how quickly my third trimester is approaching. After the showers is birthing classes, interviewing pediatricians, getting our will finalized and then before we know it, it will be baby time!

Pregnancy symptoms: Baby is starting to kick more and more. Fred has felt him three times now and some other people too. Its a really cool feeling...earlier this week I saw my stomach move from the outside!
How far along: 24 weeks 5 days
How big is baby? 1 pound 4 ounces; 1 foot long
Weight gain/loss? +6lbs
Sleep: Sleep has been a bit better this week...although I still hate sleeping on my side.
Gender: Boy!
Maternity clothes: Yes
Food cravings/aversions: Been pretty dang hungry this week...but no cravings in particular.
What are you looking forward to this week: Finishing the nursery and spending lots of time with my hubby. We always get along well but the last few months have been amazing...I'm constantly reminded of the amazing-ness of the man I married and we couldn't be happier about the next step in our lives. I am really excited to be a mom, but I am actually more excited to watch my husband become a father. I just know he'll be so in love with our son and I can't wait to see it!