
June 10, 2012

Week 33

Well this week was certainly eventful. I'm not gonna lie, I'm starting to get a little tired of being pregnant and I really can't wait until the baby is born. I want to see him and hold him but I also want to be over this pregnancy. Its been a long haul and although it could have been worse- I'm tired.

This is the first week I've really started counting down the days. I'm crabby. My lower back hurts most of the time. I have trouble sleeping. I have bad sciatica and I'm just overall done. Sunday in particular drove that home even more.

Fred and I were out and about. We stopped by some garage sales and our friends house for a bit. We were going to go out on our boat but opted to go swimming at my mother's house instead. It was about 88 degrees. Well after swimming for about an hour I came in the house, ate dinner and immediately starting having contractions. They got closer together until we were timing them at 4 minutes apart and 40 seconds in duration. The baby had not moved a lot, so we called the doctor and he sent us into the hospital. 

They hooked me up to the fetal monitor and baby was doing fine. Strong heartbeat - but I was still having contractions. The did an ultrasound to confirm I had enough amniotic fluid and to show me the baby was ok. Then they checked to see if I was dilated at all! WHOA! 

Ok, so I know when you have a baby something pretty big comes out of something pretty small and although I've not gone through it yet, I'm sure it hurts. But we all know that because well- duh! Nobody ever tells you however that when you're being checked you are really being um...fisted! Ouchy! I know they need to feel your cervix but for christ sake! I was walking a little funny after that and was still sore the next day.

I digress. Everything turned out fine. I was not dilated and there was plenty of fluid and baby was ok. They said the heat likely brought on the contractions and I needed to stay cool and hydrated.

We also attended our all day birthing class this past Saturday. It was somewhat informative and I'm glad we went. I knew a lot about what they talked about already from working in an OB office and being there during my aunt's labor and delivery. But there were a few new things I learned too. The new things I learned were the regulations of the individual hospital itself- what they allow, what they don't etc. I also learned something new about episotomy and inductions- which will be helpful. The breathing techniques and massage techniques were nothing new to me or the specific terminology involved but I did learn about some of the newer methods - like using the birthing ball to open the hips and the squat that stuff was interesting.

I also think it really helped Fred learn about the birthing process and how he can be supportive and what to watch out for. When you're in labor and in pain I'm sure its hard to remember everything so its good he was there so he'll know how to best help me when the day comes.

And, on to week 34....

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