
June 22, 2012

Week 35
Happily I am much more chipper this week. I think getting on the prescription dose of Vitamin D has done wonders. I feel better, my energy is up and my mood has drastically improved. I also have less swelling in my legs- so perhaps this was the main reason I've felt so shitty the last few weeks. Kinda pisses me off I could have been feeling better weeks ago if I was listened to...but you can't go back in time so as my boss always says...onward and upward. My non-stress tests (NSTs) are still looking good. Baby boy is a real trouper. The nurses and doctor constantly comment on how strong he is. This makes me smile.  My blood-pressure is back down to low-range and I even lost a little bit of weight this week...which is normal this late in pregnancy...but still a shocker to me since I'm eating like a piglet!

Next week my doctor will be checking for dilation and/or effacement. If I am dilated he may want to do an amnio so that he can schedule my induction for earlier than 39 weeks...if I am not dilated, the plan is still to induce at week 39. In two weeks I will get an ultrasound to check baby's size and we will officially schedule an induction date!!!

I can't believe in 3 weeks and some change we'll have a baby. Life will never be the same again. I am so excited and anxious to meet him...but now that I'm feeling better I am ok with waiting 3 weeks if that is what happens. I think it will be good to enjoy the last of the "alone" time with the hubs before we become parents. I know we'll miss the alone time once the baby comes around, but we'll be overjoyed of course at his arrival. So many mixed emotions but I can say (at least this week) I am happy and content.

1 comment:

  1. what a difference a week can make :-). Happy your feeling better and can hardly imagine within a month we will have a new baby in our Family!!!!
