
Favorite Baby Items

When we were registering for baby items for Lincoln we consulted several parents we knew, we used a "registry checklist" and we also browsed Babies R Us several times. But, you never really know what you need until the baby arrives. Of course, if we could go back in time now there are a few choices we'd make differently.

First, we'd register for Dr. Brown's bottles. These bottles have a special straw inserted in the middle that (really does) pull all the air out of the bottle. And if you happen to have a gassy baby (which 50% of babies are) your pediatrician will tell you to buy these bottles. So, I figure if we had started with these bottles even if Linc wasn't gassy they won't hurt.

The bottles we did register for that we absolutely hate are the Playtex Nursers with the drop-in liners. These bottle may be great for breast-milk but with formula we found them to be crappy. When pushing the air out of the drop-in the foam from the formula that was mixed will build up at the top of the drop-in. This essentially traps air at the top of the drop-in...the last thing we wanted.

We ended up storing all of our bottles and returning all of the drop-ins. Plus, we preferred bottles we could just wash and re-use. The drop-ins are meant to be disposable and although you can wash and re-use them its a pain in the ass. So, all and all we didn't find them to be cost effective either.

Next, I love, love, love this Fisher Price Rock N Play sleeper. It can serve as a bassinet. It is easy to move, fold and travel with (even moving it room to room around the house) and it is elevated. The elevation is particularly nice with Linc's reflux issues. He sleeps in this and probably won't sleep in his crib at all until the reflux is better. Even with the mattress propped he just sleeps better in this.

Next, we absolutely love this wipe warmer. It is not vital to have warm wipes but they do remove certain "things" easier from the babies bottom and I also use it to warm wash clothes before I give Linc his daily wipe-down. He seems calmer when the clothes are warm and its also an easy way to store wipes on the changing table. I found those cheap, flimsy wipe cases to be good for a diaper bag but I wouldn't want to mess with them on the changing table.
Finally, Gumdrop pacifiers have become a favorite of ours. I wish someone has told me to just register for these from the get-go. These pacifiers are all once piece, easy to clean and, like the Dr. Brown's bottles, came recommended by our pediatrician. The other pacifiers are not only harder to keep clean- Linc won't even use them.

I'm sure there will be many more favorites and items we barely use as Linc gets older.

Lincoln Six Weeks

I was planning on posting monthly updates from here- or to write about special events, but this boy has just changed so much from week 5 to 6 that I had to post! First he is getting so much bigger. He now weighs 8lbs 8oz! This may not seem like a lot but he's come a long way from the 4lb 9oz little doll he was at birth. He is so alert these days and is noticing the world around him more and more. He is lifting his head off of our shoulders and is turning his head in response to voices and sounds. He can track objects with his eyes and is starting to smile and coo more and more. He is simply a joy and is a pretty good baby. Sure, he has his cranky moments and is still suffering from tummy trouble but all and all we've found him to be pretty laid-back and pleasant.

I love moments like these when he looks directly at me :)

I was lucky enough to coax this little grin out of him yesterday during his morning "play time."

Sure, I'm bias- but I find him absolutely beautiful and find myself just staring at him constantly.

While he is a pretty easy-going baby, he is not huge on sleep (much to my dismay).  He naps for 30mins to 1 hour stretches about twice a day and he sleeps for about 3.5-4 hours at night in a stretch and then we're lucky to get another 2-3 hour stretch. He's still very young though- so we're hoping this just gets better with time. I think this is pretty typical for a 6 week old...but I'm a wuss when it comes to sleep.

He has so many facial expressions and he is constantly cracking us up with them. Like this one for example. Now what kind of face is that? Its like you can see him thinking "Mom. Dad. This is getting old." Too funny!

Lincoln One Month

Oh how life can change in just one month. I can't believe its been a month already and our boy has changed so much! It really is incredible how fast time flies and how quickly babies grow. Everyone tells you this but to witness it right before your eyes is like nothing I've ever seen.

This past month has been both the best and hardest month of our lives. It has been the best because our family now feels complete and we are experiencing a love like no other. Its as if all of the love we have has manifested into this perfect, beautiful, innocent little being and we would do absolutely anything to protect him, make him smile and take care of him.

However, along with the love comes a lot of sacrifice. Babies are a lot of work. I know, that sounds stupid, but again its one of those things I needed to experience to fully understand. They are a 24/7 job. They are unpredictable and needy and exhausting. We're lucky to get three showers a week and 5 hours of sleep. Doing my hair and putting make-up on is unheard of these days and I normally have something on my shirt. Phone calls are short and schedules are unheard least for now. I know as he grows things will settle but for now it is all about what he wants, when he wants it. But, the most amazing thing about this is that we don't mind at all. Sure, we're tired and sore and feel like our world has been turned upside down...but we look at his face and it is all worth it.

We also look at each other now in a whole new light. We are parents. We created life. We are forever bound by this beautiful baby. We love each other now more then ever.

Lincoln's One Month Stats:

Weight: 7lbs 3oz 

Length: 20 inches

He is lifting his head for 5 seconds at a time, both up and at a 45 degree angel. Lincoln grasps with his hands and his toes and can rock his body over to one side. He recognizes at least three voices (the hubs, me and my mother) and he can recognize our faces. He sometimes smiles back at us if we smile at him and he loves the sound of laughing. He can push off our arms with his feet and lift his whole body...he is incredibly strong for his size. He is bright-eyed and alert and curious. He is incredible.


We've found Lincoln to be a pretty easy-going baby most of the time. He only cries or fusses when he's hungry, wet, uncomfortable or lonely and we can usually tell from his crying exactly which of those he's complaining about. However, starting in week three and continuing into this week he's developed some tummy issues and acid reflux. At first we switched to a lactose-free formula and I've been eating lactose-free so it is not in my breast-milk. That seemed to work for about a week and then his tummy trouble re-surfaced. That's when we realized that he also had acid reflux. After looking into it about 50% of babies have acid reflux and these babies in the past would be diagnosed as "colicky.' Apparently colic was the "go to" diagnosis for stomach issues in babies before they knew how to better diagnose what was wrong. So, we are now using the lactose-free formula and thickening it with organic rice cereal to help him keep it down. We've also elevated the head of his crib and basically have him laying or sitting on an incline at all times so the acid doesn't come up and burn his throat. Last night was our first night trying this and it was miserable- but upon waking up today he seems like a new baby, so we're hopeful this will work. The next option to try is a formula that is incredibly expensive (I'm talking $60 per week) and after that would be meds. We've heard some family and friends swear by Chiropractic work for acid reflux- but with him still so little (just now the size of an average newborn) we're not comfortable with that. Maybe we will try it if he's still having trouble in a few months but for now we're going to try all the dietary changes we can first.

The baby belly is gone.
As for me, I'm doing pretty well. I was definitely not prepared for a c-section or the healing that would need to come afterwards. The first 2-3 weeks was really hard. I could move around the house ok but getting out of bed by myself was practically impossible for the first 10 days and doing anything that involves my stomach muscles is still pretty difficult. My stamina is just wore down so I get tired easily but all and all I'm healing very well and my scar is hardly noticeable already. I've also lost 20 lbs since having Lincoln and reached my pre-pregnancy weight by the end of week three. I'm hoping the combination of pumping and having less time to eat will result in losing even more. I'd be much happier if I lost another 30lbs...but I'm not going to stress about it now. Once I'm all healed and life is less hectic then I'll worry about my weight. Until then my goal is to maintain my weight and enjoy my baby.

As for the marks of childbearing I do have a few- but they are very small and don't really bother me. I don't know how I could look at them with disgust when I know what they stand for. There is a deep appreciation and acceptance for the female body I have now. It is a pure miracle what we can do and how can you feel anything by gratitude and amazement for a body that stretches and shapes to bring life into the world? This may sound like the biggest mushy sentiment- but really I look at Linc and can not believe he was inside of me and that my body grew him and made him. I don't think I'll ever be able to fully wrap my mind around it. 

And as for the question we're already being asked...will we have another baby? Well, it is far too early to tell. Do we want another baby- yes. Will we have another baby- we just don't know. There are too many unknowns to answer that honestly. Do we want to risk my health and the health of another baby? Do we want to perhaps suffer more miscarriages and the misery they bring? Can we afford another baby? Will Linc end up being more of a handful and will we feel we can handle another child? All of those questions are yet to be answered. So, in about 2-3 years we'll make that decision but for now we're going to sit back and enjoy being a family of three.

Lincoln's Second and Third Week

Lincoln's second and third week home were pretty eventful. We took our first walk as a family. I wasn't able to get very far, as I was still healing from the c-section, but we made it a few houses down and got to get out of the house for a few minutes- it was nice.

Lincoln's personality is starting to set in more and more. He is a pretty funny baby- like this face he started making while he was drinking -- cross-eyed so he never misses a drop out of that bottle!

We had more visits from very special people, like Great Grandma Betty.

And I finally got a picture I've been waiting for- Chicken (Lorenzo) and Monkey (Lincoln) meeting for the first time : )

There were a lot snuggles, of course- and a bout with lactose-intolerance. So we changed up the formula and it seems to be working well. But, I do have to say- week three was a little rough. We got very little sleep and Lincoln was in a lot of pain with gas. It was heart-breaking to see him in so much pain and not be able to help him. We're very glad the diet change seems to be working.

We took our first trip to the park. It was nice but short. The black flies were out in full force, so after about an hour we packed up and headed home.

Fred and I find ourselves staring at him in amazement. We can't believe we created such a perfect little person together- its mind-blowing.

At the beginning of week two Lincoln also had his first bath. He didn't mind it much and sat there looking around mostly. He seemed like he liked the warm water.

Lincoln also had his first and second doctor visit with Dr. Berry, our pediatrician. The doc said Lincoln is doing wonderfully. A tiny bit of diaper rash and a clogged tear-duct were the only issues. At the first appointment Linc weighed 4lbs 13oz (up 5 oz since leaving the hospital) and by the second appointment one week later he was up a full pound to 5lbs 13 oz!!!

As we head into week four I am very lucky to have my mother (Nonna) helping me out as Fred will be going back to work. I am still healing and very much appreciate her help. Plus I'm also excited for Linc to get to spend some quality time with her as I know she'll be a central, and important, person in his life.

"Making the decision to have a child is momentous.  It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body."  ~Elizabeth Stone

Lincoln's First Week

Lincoln spent the first four days of his life in the hospital. Then once we were home we had a lot of visitors coming over to hold and cuddle our little man. It was wonderful. We had time to rest and clean the house and get re-acclimated to being home. At first Linc was sleeping 3-4.5 hour stretches at a time and he was very calm and only fussed (well screamed) when it was diaper changing time. 
 Here he is cuddling with his Great Aunt Alicia.

 He gave us the first look at an adorable little grin :)

He delighted in spending time with both of his Grandmothers. I think they are both beyond hooked...and really, who can blame them?|

He endured his first sponge bath...and was calm through the entire thing until we got to his bottom (which was a little diaper rashed)

And he slept very peacefully. Fred and I spent most of these first days home staring at him, hugging each other and wondering how we created such a beautiful, perfect little being. Fred stared at him in wonder and I cried almost every time I looked at him- not in sadness but with overwhelming love. He is my heart.