
My baby's father

I've heard that when you see the father of your child hold your baby for the first time, you fall in love with them all over again. It's hard to imagine I could love this man even more than I already do. I know, I know- people say it all the time and its mushy and gushy and makes others gag- but the real truth of it is, I can't imagine my life with anyone else. Sure, it hasn't been perfect. We've had our battles- some secret and some public- but we're so compatible and I can say in full confidence we were made for each other. Only time will tell and as people grow older they sometimes grow apart, as a child of divorce I know this all too well. But, I will be very surprised if that happens with us. There is not a fiber in my being that regrets being with my husband and there is honestly no way he makes me unhappy. Sure, he's a guy and we have our spats and struggles...but I'm in heaven when I'm with him and I never want to leave his side...even after almost 5 years of marriage and 7 years together.

We've been through some pretty rough times with my illness, my father's illness and death and some personal struggles with habits and lifestyle changes. But, we always seem to come out on the other side stronger and even more in love. And if one day we do decide to part ways I will not regret our time together. I am a better person for having been his wife.

Part of what I look forward to the most is watching Fred with our son. Just seeing him with Mr. Chicken makes my heart melt! He is so patient and protective and loving. I have no doubt he'll be an amazing father.

He is so good to my family and friends. He never hesitates to help out my mom and step-dad around their house. He loves my family and close friends and asks how they are doing often. He's protective of my girlfriends and I bet they'd be surprised to know just how concerned he is when I tell him one of them is going through a rough time. In recent months as a few of my friends have struggled with break-ups he's asked how they are doing and if they needed anything. Its simple, he loves who I love and I love him for it!

He's incredibly loyal to his family. Even if he doesn't agree with something one of them is doing, he's still there for them and tries not to judge. He loves his nieces and nephews incredibly and I can tell he enjoys watching his family grow.

He's a rock when I need him. He's sensitive and thoughtful. He loves to laugh. I often catch him watching me from across a room at an event and smiling.

He looks tough but is incredibly gentle. He loves animals and they usually love him.

I know our son will fall in love with him, just as I have and just as Mr. Chicken has. I hope we are able to raise our baby boy to be a good man, just like his father. He doesn't need to be rich or famous or a start athlete. He doesn't need to be incredible looking or super charming. I just want him to love and be loved. I want him to enjoy his life and be happy. I want him to look up to his father and realize he is an amazing man and even with all the mistakes he's made he is an incredible person. If we can raise our son to love someone as deeply as I love his father, then we've  succeeded.

1 comment:

  1. This was so beautiful. I hope Fred knows how every day I am so thankful for the love he has for you and how happy I am that he is family now. I look at him and could not be any prouder of a man than if he was my own son.
    I know he will be such a great father ,he has shown what a wonderful attentive husband he is.
    I am excited for you two to become parents and so excited for our family to become stronger with the birth of this new child.
    love you both so much,
