
February 1 2012


I just realized today that I am 1/3 done with this pregnancy. 1 down, 2 to do.

Duh, I know that's what the 2nd trimester means...but 15 weeks seems more significant than 14.

15 into 40 = > 3 times

Time is flying by! craziness...


  1. actually 15 doesn't go into 40 3 times, 15 x 3 is 45. but we totally know what you mean, and welcome to what I call pregnancy brain! :) 40 divided by 3 is 13.33 so you were 1/3 rd of the way done with the prengnacy a little over a week ago :)

  2. ha! yeah I have def had a baaaad case of preggo brain. I guess 14 X 3 is 42 (not the 40 week pregnancy time-period either) so I wonder why you are not in your 2nd trimester until week 14 then? shouldn't it be week 13? Guess pregnant women aren't the only ones who can't handle simple math huh? lol!!! I think its because they assume they can be + or - 2 weeks in calculating the due date... What I really meant to say (I think) is that in another 2/3rds I will surely have a baby!!! or that the baby will be here!!! although its probably even closer for me since I'll be induced at 38 or 39 weeks....oh god, now I'm freaking out even more!!!

  3. LOL! you will be fine :-). Yes it's flying by. You think you have 9 months and that allot of time but it goes by faster than you think!

  4. Who EVER thought 9 months was a long time?!?! hells no its not...maybe when you're 9 years old...all those people that tell you that you have time need to be smacked!
