
February 4, 2012

Week 15

15 weeks, say what?!?! I can not believe I am almost 16 weeks pregnant. That is just so crazy to me. It seems like just yesterday we were looking at the positive pregnancy test and waiting out the dreadful and anxiety-producing first trimester. Now, we're very very close to finding out the baby's sex...and from there I'm sure it will be a whirlwind. Nursery painting, decorating, photo shoots, registering, showers, looking into daycare, interviewing pediatricians -whew!!! And that's before the little one even arrives!!!

I'm ecstatic though, really. And much, much calmer than I was only 2 weeks ago. This week has been ok for the most part- a couple scare-worthy items. I've been light-headed and a little dizzy since about 14 weeks- almost like vertigo. The doctor said it is very normal in mid-pregnancy but it makes driving a bit scary. Also, I've been having a lot of cramping this week. The cramps are not too painful, just very uncomfortable, and they don't last long- but they happen several times a day almost every day. Most things I've read say this is likely due to a "growth spurt" and my belly has definitely grown this week! So, I'm taking it easy and "strategically hydrating," as the doctor calls it, until things calm down. Aside from that I feel pretty good.

Pregnancy symptoms: Just the dizziness and cramps, breast still sore but not crazy and my appetite has gotten more manageable.
How far along: 15 weeks 5 days
How big is baby? 4 inches and a few ounces
Weight gain/loss? +1.5lbs. Just started to gain weight this week...
Stretch marks: No
Maternity clothes: No.
Sleep: Good with the occasional crazy-ass dream
Food cravings/aversions: I'm craving gummy worms, starbursts, swedish fish- candy I don't normally like
Gender: Finding out very, very soon!!!
What are you looking forward to this week: I don't want to jinks it!!!!

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