
March 23, 2012

Week 22
Hubs to me last night: "So are we creeping up on week 22 here...?"
Me: "No, babe- we're creeping up on week 23"
Hubs: "Damn! time is really flying by..."
Me: (giving the look) "Yeah, that's why I've been saying..."
Hubs: "I know, I know- I gotta get my ass in gear around here. I know I do."

What hubs is referring too is the not one, not two but FOUR home projects he wants to get done before the baby arrives. And if you know my husband, he does absolutely beautiful home modification work. I mean what he has done to our home on the smallest budget is absolutely amazing...but he often needs a little nudge to finish things or get them started. Project one I can say is mostly complete- the nursery. The walls are painted, wainscoting is up and painted and light is hung. Now all he needs to do is put the crib and dresser together and hang a curtain rod and mama will take it from there.

Next up is putting up the walls in our basement for a spare bedroom and storage room. These rooms likely won't be finished by the time baby arrives, but they need to at least have the framing, shelving up and curtain up. Another project he's added to his "to-do" list (and yes HE has added this task...I'm all for just buying the damn thing) building a custom pantry for our dining room.

In other pregnancy news I had some bad news from the doctors office earlier this week. The increase to 130 mg of Lovenox detailed in this post, has not increased my protein S activity level- in fact, the levels decreased. Yeah I know...doesn't make much sense, but that's what happened. So I am now on 160 mg of Lovenox twice a day and in about one hour am heading to the hospital to have more lab draws. The suck-ass part of this is the amount of medication I'm injecting everyday. It hurts...sometimes a lot...and we'll leave it at that. The good part is that myself (and the baby) have not developed blood clots so far. So, the hope is that we'll keep trying to raise these levels and in the meantime the baby I and I will skate closer and closer to my due-date without incident. I am reserved to the idea that whatever happens we'll deal with it...and the little dude has made it this far...and I am a fighter so I'm expecting my little guy to follow suite.

Two miscarriages though will make any pregnant women nervous, let alone this news. Yes, women have low protein S levels all the time and carry to term without incident...however, I've lost two babies and have about three other conditions I'm juggling at the same time. So, am I alone? certainly not. Do I carry a heavy load? Well, I'll let you decide that for yourself....

All and all though I'm optimistic. Fear and nervousness will not do anything but make an already rocky road worse. And being tense and upset is certainly not healthy for this baby, or for me for that matter. I know a lot of women that spend countless hours hand-wringing and stressing over things they have no control over. Now, don't get me wrong- I agree with being proactive and conscientious. But I do NOT agree with letting all the bad things in the world make you miserable or fearful. You chose what to concentrate on and spend your energy on and at some point have to take responsibility for that. I am choosing to do that now and as my co-worker said yesterday "Damn Rachel, you're like super chill these days." Well, I'm less "chill" when I'm not at work but all and all I'm far less neurotic then I have the capability of being and I'm happy and enjoying it for the first time in years.
Pregnancy symptoms: Another incident of vomiting. Apparently I am one of those lucky women who will have this on and off through most of the pregnancy. But honestly, puking once every two weeks is really not that bad. The bad part is not knowing when it will happen. But I've become a pro at this point and no longer "fear" throwing up or feel its that gross. I mean, yeah its gross, but holding it back is far more gross I assure you....
How far along: 22 weeks 4 days
How big is baby? 1 pound (no more ounces!), 11 inches
Weight gain/loss? +4 lbs

Maternity clothes: Yes
Sleep: Sleep has been ok. I'm a back sleeper and sleeping on my side has been rough for me to adjust to. I have this pillow-wedge concept I strap myself into at night and yeah I wake up at least 2 or 3 times because I've become un-wedged or I need to pee...but aside from that its been great lol!
Food cravings/aversions: Raspberry frozen yogurt! yum!
Gender: Boy!
What are you looking forward to this week: I would LOVE for my protein S levels to go the F up!!! And that is all : )

I think I may have nursery photos to put up soon...loving that! My husband's best friend told him "you know the baby doesn't need a fancy nursery..." And my response was "First of all tell him to shut up. Second of all tell him I said there are only 3 reasons to have children: 1) To have an excuse to go to Disney World, Chucky Cheese and all the other awesome places they look at you funny if you aren't totting a tot. 2) To hear the hilariously inappropriate things they will say and 3) To buy cute baby clothes and DECORATE A NURSERY!!"

I'm kidding of course....kind of :)


  1. :-) happy to see you learning to change the things you CAN change and not over worrying over the things you can't. There are so many things in this world that we can not control so often we waste many of the good times with worry. I have always been a firm believer in positive thinking can result in postitive results! Not easy when it comes to our children though...

  2. Yeah, and this is exactly why I don't watch the news or get all bent out of shape about headlines. lol!
