
March 11, 2012

Week 20

The handsome daddy-to-be working in the nursery :)

More than half-way there...God, I never thought we'd see the day. I'm pretty emotionally exhausted this week from the news learned here....and really don't have much more to say on the matter. I'm doing the 4 shots a day...I'm towing the line...and I'm incredibly scared.

Pregnancy symptoms: Belly is just growing - so some growing pains here and there. Back to eating more small meals through the day...that seems to be helping with the vomiting.
How far along: 20 weeks 6 days
How big is baby? 10.5 ounces, 7 inches
Weight gain/loss? +3.5 lbs (lost a bit last week- doctor isn't too worried because my BMI is higher to begin with ....but says my weight gain "isn't great" so he'll be looking for me to gain more at my next appointment...never heard that from a doctor before!)
Stretch marks: N
ot yet...but I'm sure one or two will be a-coming.
Maternity clothes: Yes. I can still wear many non-maternity tops but with maternity pants. I can still technically wear a lot of my old pants too...but they're just not as comfortable anymore so I'm in the maternity pants or leggings/sweat/yoga pants most of the time.
Sleep: Ok. I know I need to start sleeping on my side more but I always flip over on to my back and my lower back starts to ache and wakes me up...Fred says he's going to build an adult size "wedge" to keep me on my side lol!
Food cravings/aversions: Not all that hungry these days to be honest...but I'm being sure to eat every 3 or 4 hours.
Gender: Boy!
What are you looking forward to this week: At this point I'm looking forward to feeling baby move more and more...and just trying to take everything one week at a time and stay positive.

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