
January 13, 2012

Week 12

The first trimester evolution of the belly!!!
(week 0, 4, 9 and 12)

This week is both exciting and sad at the same time. It is week 12, "the tremendous week 12" we all wait for when we're pregnant. The week your risk of miscarriage reduces significantly and you can actually start planning for your baby and being excited about his or her arrival. Of course week 12 is not a panacea- things can still go wrong after this point, but it is perhaps the largest milestone a pregnant women waits for.

So, while I celebrate this week I also mourn as today is the due date of the baby I lost in June. The baby whose heartbeat we saw so clearly at week 6, only to be absent during an ultrasound in week 9. I'm sad but not devastated. I think if I was still trying to get pregnant and was not 12 weeks along with a healthy pregnancy, today would be much worse. But I'm still sad. There was a beautiful little life that never got to be and I'll always wonder- was it a boy? a girl? what color eyes would they have had? I don't think others (who have not miscarried) quite understand. Yes, its sad- blah blah blah. But I don't think they realize what it really feels like, and perhaps they never will. A due date is a date every mother remembers- always...even if her child is born on a different day. It is a day we cling to with hope and excitement when pregnant- and when things end badly, we still remember that date.

But, now is a time of hope for the hubby and I- and that is what I will concentrate on.

Pregnancy symptoms:
Nausea is a lot better. I'm nauseated maybe once a day for a very brief time- so that has been great. I'm still getting sick every day but I've figured out it is due to the multi-vitamin supplement I'm taking. So, I'm going to try a different brand and see if things get better.
How far along: 12 weeks 4 days
How big is baby? The size of a lime
Weight gain/loss? -2 lbs (figures, the one time in my life its ok to gain weight and I'm losing without even trying lol!!1)
Stretch marks: No- my belly was looking rounder last week and this week seems smaller...must be water fluctuations...
Maternity clothes: Not yet and my jeans still fit- so it may be another month or so....
Sleep: Good in general. Had some bad dreams that there was something wrong with the baby a few times...but I think this date may have been at the back of my mind.
Food cravings/aversions: Dairy is still gross and I have to watch my portions
Gender: No idea
Belly button? Still there
What are you looking forward to this week: I have an ultrasound on Monday (13 week mark) I can't wait to see our baby again!!!

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to Monday! and to every weekly milestone :-)
