
May 12, 2012

Week 28 & 29

The last couple weeks have had their ups and downs but at the end of it all I feel pretty good.

It is no secret to anyone I have a blood clotting disorder, or maybe it is- who knows -  well anyway early last week I developed a clot in a superficial vein in my groin, known as phlebitis.  Because it wasn't in a deep vein I don't need hospitalization but it made me rather uncomfortable none-the-less. I still have it, but it is starting to get more manageable

In addition I received some good news that lovenox (anticoagulant) manufactures started making 120mg syringes of lovenox- so I'm back to two shots a day...from four- woohoo!!

Finally, I also received a call that I failed my one hour glucose test. F'ing bummer. So yesterday I needed to take the 3 (more like 4) hour fasting glucose tolerance test. This test sucked and anyone that ends up needing to have this done should prepare to be hungry, crabby and poked a lot in a short period of time. All and all I did pretty well with the exception of a nurse on my 3rd draw missing twice and poking through my vein...yeah my hand is pretty nasty looking today. But, good news is- I passed!!! So when I found that out I sighed a huge sigh of relief. No gestational diabetes!!!

I was surprised to be in the room with 4 other pregnant women being tested for the same thing and none of them were significantly overweight.  I've also been talking to some women at work and many of them had gestational diabetes with one or more of their children. While weight and health play a factor, it seems age is a larger determinant. Women having children in their 30's despite weight seems to be at a pretty high risk....I guess this is another "myth" busted...or just assumption I had that I found to not always be true. I started off this pregnancy about 30 lbs more than I would have liked to I wouldn't have been surprised if I failed to be completely honest. But, I didn't so I'm glad. 

Two weeks ago Fred and I took a "babymoon" - a little three night getaway to the Irish Hills. We stayed at a cute little Bed and Breakfast and did some shopping, ate at local restaurants and visited Hidden Lake Gardens.

This past Monday the ladies I work with threw me an awesome, owl-themed baby shower at work. I was shocked that we had 29 people from work car was stuffed with gifts on the way home. It brought tears to my eyes! I know I'm liked at work, but I keep work and personal life pretty separate, so I was very surprised by the warm reception from so many. My boss gave me a hug and said "you touch a lot of people's lives, Rachel." And then the tears came. It was a wonderful day.

Pregnancy symptoms: Awesome leg cramps in the middle of the night and of course baby boy is getting stronger and his kicks are a lot harder. Most don't hurt but it is much harder to ignore them these days. No more nausea or vomiting, so that's awesome...I think my last "episode" was around week very glad that seems to be over.

How far along: 29 weeks 5 days

How big is baby? 3 pounds; 17 inches long

Weight gain/loss? +10.5 lbs
Sleep: Sleep has been interesting. I sleep good but I'm up about 3 times every night to shift positions or for bathroom breaks...and I need to readjust my assortment of pillows lol!

Gender: Boy!

Maternity clothes: Of course, no choice now.

Food cravings/aversions: I've been craving a lot of non-gluten free foods that kind of sucks...but nothing bad...mainly I'm craving subway sandwiches with the REAL bread.


  1. :-) I am getting pretty antsy to meet this new little boy and to see you through to the end of the pregnancy! One more shower and you should have plenty of stuff to help take care of the little one. What a wonderful family and friend support system you have!!

  2. Yeah, we're very lucky!! I'm excited to meet him too...but nervous about the process of getting him here. If he'd just walk out in about an hour that'd be awesome lol!
