
Week 25, 26 and yikes 27!
First trimester belly
(weeks 0, 4, 9, 12)
Second Trimester Belly (weeks 16, 19, 24, 27)
(and yes those are my hubby's sexy old boxer shorts- be jealous)
Whoa have I gotten behind here! Well its for a good reason- we've been busy as sh*# getting ready for this kid! We have the nursery completed and we love how it turned out!

We also have all the hand-me-down clothes we've received (three giant boxes full) washed and put away. Fred has started on the spare bedroom in the basement (for family over-night visitors and others who may want to see the baby and stay a night or just hang for a weekend). We have registered for baby-prep and childbirth classes and planned a mini-vacation for next weekend.

The first shower is in 9 days! And from there the schedule just get's busier and busier until little man arrives. May is insane and June is childbirth classes, meeting with the pediatrician and prepping my replacement at work for while I'm on leave. My third and final trimester is only two days away. 

A light bit of nerves have set in. I'm not really scared about the birth- nervous for sure...but its more about all the changes this little guy will bring. Changes in my life, my marriage, my relationships and of course nerves about the incredible responsibility headed our way. As a caregiver for 9 years I'm no stranger to putting someone else's needs ahead of my own...but that situation was very different and change can be great but sometimes its a little scary isn't it? I think these feelings are completely normal. 

And as I watch my body getting bigger I'm a little nervous about what my body will look and feel like after all this...but in the end I realize this is a choice we made and something we've wanted for years. Yeah my sleep, sex life and body will be changed forever but in their place will be something even better and more meaningful. I hear many women say they realized their purpose in life after becoming a mother. And while I don't think you need to be a mother to find purpose or have a purposeful life it has to be one of the single most amazing things a person (and body) can do. I look forward to loving my son and learning from everything he'll teach me about the world and about myself.

One great thing this pregnancy has already taught me is that having hang ups about my body, or comparing myself to other women's bodies, is incredibly point-less. If I'm healthy, that is what matters, not the size on my jeans or my bra. My body is doing something wonderful and if I have a few scars afterwards, so be it. There is great freedom in feeling this way now.

Pregnancy symptoms: My belly is straight-up doing the wave some mornings and I've been able to detect a pattern to little man's movements. I feel like I'm starting to know him and bond with him already and its really amazing. Fred looks at me with such adoring these days...I never could have imagined what it would feel to have him look at me the way he has been lately. He looks at me like he's amazed by me and what is to come. He's going to be so amazing with our son, I can tell.
How far along: 27 weeks 5 days
How big is baby? 2 pounds; 14 inches long
Weight gain/loss? +9.5 lbs
Sleep: Sleep has been a bit better because I'm finally getting used to side sleeping- plus (thanks to a gift certificate from my awesome friend) I was able to buy a belly pillow with has taken a lot of strain off my lower back- I highly recommend these!
Gender: Boy!
Maternity clothes: Yup...although my pre-preg sweats and many shirts still fit.
Food cravings/aversions: No cravings in particular- just hungry
What are you looking forward to this week: Busting (or bursting might be more like it) into that 3rd trimester! And very much looking forward to a much needed three day weekend get-away with my love. Time to enjoy the alone time before it is few and far between!

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