
November 26th 2011

Week 5

This week I've hardly felt pregnant. Its odd- I go through the day and although I know that I am, sometimes I forget! I know some of that is my mind protecting itself since the miscarriages but I also don't feel pregnant yet. My symptoms aren't too bad and I can say I feel better in general this time then I did last time (perhaps due to the weight loss). I just keep thinking about how early it still is and how we are trying not to get our hopes up.

My cousin from New York called a few days ago, his wife is 6 weeks pregnant and is due July 11th. It was so hard for me not to yell "me too! me too!" and share with him that his little one may have a playmate and cousin born about a week or two after him/her. But, I didn't for a few reasons. One, I want he and his wife to have that special time of telling everyone and having everyone happy for them- I would never want to take that away from them. Two, we are firm in our decision this time not to tell anyone outside of our immediate family and two closest friends until the pregnancy reaches a safer point. And we feel so strongly that this is the right thing to do, that while it was hard on one hand it wasn't hard at all at the same time.

Pregnancy symptoms: Breast tenderness, less and less cramping, fatigue. My stomach is pretty touchy although my appetite has ramped up though, I swear my stomach is constantly growling!
How far along: 5 weeks 5 days
How big is baby? Still the size of a sesame seed
Weight gain/loss? No loss and no gain
Stretch marks: No
Maternity clothes: Nope
Sleep: Having some crazy-ass dreams! One involved my friend getting arrested, another involved my husband having an affair, plenty have been about having a miscarriage (these are so sad) and the most recent one I was a saloon girl in the wild west! The dreams are so vivid - must mean I'm getting more REM sleep, maybe?
Food cravings/aversions: Seafood still smells awful! Fred ordered clam chowder soup at a restaurant yesterday and it was ALL I could smell! ick! No particular aversions or cravings most of the time, I crave stuff I usually crave. I am hungry a bit more often and my stomach hardly ever growled before and now its constantly noisy lol!
Gender: No idea
Movement: Too early for that
Belly button? Still there
What are you looking forward to this week: Friday is my first prenatal appointment. Hopefully we'll get to see the heartbeat and I'll have a due date confirmed. Keeping our fingers crossed that all goes well. I'm excited and very nervous.

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