
Lincoln Four Months

My, my how the time flies. Our little, scrawny preemie-sized boy is now a healthy, thriving, smiley four month old. At his four month check up Lincoln was almost 25 inches and a solid 14 pounds which lands him almost exactly in the 50th percentile for height and weight. He's come a long way in four months and we are so thrilled!

So, what is our little man up to? Well he's holding his head solidly on his own (as you can see) except for when he's tired and decides to go for a head butt!!! He is also starting to use his ab muscles a lot and pull himself into a seated position...and then he tumbles sideways (usually while giggling). I have no doubt in a month or two he'll be sitting all on his own. He is starting to grab things (and usually puts whatever he grabs right into his mouth) and he seems to know his name already.

Lincoln is quite the little ham. He is famous for jutting out his lower lip...just to see/hear you go "awwww" and then he cracks a big grin as if to say "gotcha!" He studies people very intently and watches everyones lips as they talk and facial expressions for social ques. His doctor says the way he studies everything is similar to what most 9 month olds he says this is a sign of intelligence. We knew he was smart from the day he was born. And I'm not just saying this because I'm his mom (or maybe I am) but from the second he was born he was so aware and alert and looked curiously at everything. I've seen a lot of newborns and half the time their all swimmy eyes and not really "there." My mom said I was the same way when I was born and the nurses all commented on how alert I was. That's MY boy!!

But its not all roses and puppies. Lincoln still suffers from reflux and is still on meds. Its possible he'll need them for the entire first year or longer. He spits up a lot due to the reflux and fights tooth and nail about taking naps. Generally he cries, screams or fusses for up to a whole hour before finally giving in (or passing out) to take a nap. He usually sleeps 7-8 hours straight at night now (which is good) but some nights its super hard to get him down at all. Its as if he realizes when he's asleep he misses what's going on. He has a temper on him and when he's had it with something he screams a super-sonic scream that makes me want to put his ass in the crib and leave him there lol!. Although I never actually do that. But, I do have to say that most of the time he is pretty pleasant and easy-going.

He ran his first fever last week, which broke my heart, and was up crying every 2 hours. That was brutal. I tell ya, when you get used to them sleeping through the night and all of a sudden they don't- its like a slap in the face back to the newborn days! But, luckily it only lasted one night. He is suffering from an ear infection right now in his right ear and is on his first round of antibiotics- poor guy!!! We will be starting to try to spoon-feed him soon and in a few weeks he'll be on to eating his first solids- squash, sweet potatoes and carrots!!! I bet he is going to LOVE that!

1 comment:

  1. This baby is so adorable. Yes,I am biased cuz he's my grandson,but he is a VERY photogenic,handsome little guy. Who has complete hold of everyones heart.
