

In late September we got together with some friends and did a family photo swap. I am really happy with how our family photos turned out. It is incredible how much Lincoln has changed in 3 1/2 short months. He is holding his head up high and can push up onto his forearms (something I thought he'd take much longer to do). He sits well assisted and is babbling up a storm! He is the light of our lives.

We finally seem to be settling in as a family of three. It was a huge adjustment for us at first, especially when I went back to work. But, we seem to have the hang of it now and life is pretty good.

I read a research article that stated that families with clearly defined roles (aka stay-at-home mom and bread-winner dad) actually have less conflict. Normally I would have balked at the insinuation that this 1950's model of a family breeds less conflict, but after having a baby I can totally understand this.  Everyone's roles in this instance are clearly defined. The mother and father both know what is and is not expected of them. When you both work and both take 50% of the child-rearing responsibility there is going to be times when one parent feels the other is not pulling their weight. Trying to keep everything so balanced is incredibly hard! Not that I would change our way of living for anything...I feel a great desire to work and use my degree to its potential and I want a partner that takes 50% of the child-caring responsibility. But, I do have to nod my head to those who choose a more traditional lifestyle that in some ways it may lend itself to less conflict and more structure and predictability at home.

This Halloween was fun, as it was Lincoln's first but in some ways it was a bit of a bummer too. I was really looking forward to Zoo Boo with our friends and their children but it just didn't work out. We arrived and Lincoln was not in a good mood. Add to that the 40 degree temps and wind and he was just not having it. I was really disappointed but I learned that you can't make a small child cooperate if they are uncomfortable. So, we headed home. I regret not getting at least one photo of him with his little buddies...but it just wasn't in the cards.

However, we did have a ton of fun dressing Linc in various Halloween inspired outfits! Here he is in his skeleton sleeper with his Zombie-killing father :)  They are so cute boys.

Fred wanted transformers on the pumpkin this year and since last year I choose the pattern we went for it. I know next year Lincoln might have his own ideas about what to put on the pumpkin. But one good thing about them being this little is its hard for them to protest about...oh being put inside the pumpkin :)

Halloween itself fell on a weekday this year (I hate that) so we tried to stick to our tradition of visiting Richie and Gentry and the Newmans. Below is Gentry (Gumball Machine) with her friend the cute little pirate wench. 

Richie (Roadkill) absolutely adores Lincoln.

Then we visited the Newmans and Linc got to chill with the littlest Newman, Cain- who also happened to be a pirate. Aren't they soooo adorable together!?!

And of course Miss Emma wanted to hold the baby. I think she adores him too!

And here he is, my little pirate. The cutest damn pirate I ever saw!!!

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