
Lincoln Six Weeks

I was planning on posting monthly updates from here- or to write about special events, but this boy has just changed so much from week 5 to 6 that I had to post! First he is getting so much bigger. He now weighs 8lbs 8oz! This may not seem like a lot but he's come a long way from the 4lb 9oz little doll he was at birth. He is so alert these days and is noticing the world around him more and more. He is lifting his head off of our shoulders and is turning his head in response to voices and sounds. He can track objects with his eyes and is starting to smile and coo more and more. He is simply a joy and is a pretty good baby. Sure, he has his cranky moments and is still suffering from tummy trouble but all and all we've found him to be pretty laid-back and pleasant.

I love moments like these when he looks directly at me :)

I was lucky enough to coax this little grin out of him yesterday during his morning "play time."

Sure, I'm bias- but I find him absolutely beautiful and find myself just staring at him constantly.

While he is a pretty easy-going baby, he is not huge on sleep (much to my dismay).  He naps for 30mins to 1 hour stretches about twice a day and he sleeps for about 3.5-4 hours at night in a stretch and then we're lucky to get another 2-3 hour stretch. He's still very young though- so we're hoping this just gets better with time. I think this is pretty typical for a 6 week old...but I'm a wuss when it comes to sleep.

He has so many facial expressions and he is constantly cracking us up with them. Like this one for example. Now what kind of face is that? Its like you can see him thinking "Mom. Dad. This is getting old." Too funny!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE HIM!!! Enjoy the wonder of the first year. Changes almost daily.
