
Lincoln Five Months

Holy, moly! 5 months old. He's almost half a year...incredible!

Well, Mr. Lincoln is rolling from his back to both sides and from his belly to his back. He can sit unassisted for about 20 seconds or so (he's got the strength down...just working on the balance) and he's sleeping around 10.5 hours at night. Although he's only taking short naps during the day!

He now has a full routine of fruits and vegetables and is drinking only four bottles a day...although they are practically full! Our super skinny newborn is finding himself situated firmly in the 50th percentile for almost everything!

True to his sex he giggles like crazy when you make a farting noise or burp (how he knows that's funny already I don't know). And he loves when Mommy attacks him with kisses on his neck. He still loves to examine people and everything in front of him. He has way more interest in looking at books and learning his shape blocks then in crawling...and we're perfectly fine with that! 

He is smart. He already knows his shapes go in the holes in the shape box, although he doesn't know which hole is for which shape of course. He almost routinely "helps" us turn the pages of his books and is fascinated by how everything feels to his touch right now.

Right now he loves anything that makes music or lights up when you touch it and his favorite toy seems to be his excersaucer and a musical seahorse he got from his Auntie Nicole. He also loves a small music box toy his Auntie Brittani got him...this is his high chair toy and he plays with it as we're getting his food ready.

He has brought immeasurable joy to our lives and we can't imagine life without him. As he ages some things are getting easier with him and others are getting harder. We get more couple time (and sleep!) at night now that he is sleeping longer and going to bed earlier. We are able to take him more places as he is staying up longer between naps and can sit easier in highchairs, shopping carts etc. But, when he is up he's moving around more and trying to grab things within his reach, so we have to be more careful of what is around him. He's also a bit more demanding when it comes to keeping him occupied. But, all and all he's a pretty easy-going and happy boy and we're enjoying this age so much! His personality is developing more and more each day. He is a sweet boy that loves to cuddle but he also has a crazy temper and can get frustrated pretty easily. Fred and I sometimes laugh when we see his temper...I'm sure we won't be laughing later!

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