
Lincoln's First Christmas

The day after Thanksgiving the Christmas celebration activities began! First, with a trip to Taylor to visit Santa with cousin Lorenzo!!! The boys were so good and loved getting to spend time together, of course!

Lincoln was really good with Santa...although he did need his hands held down because he kept putting them in his mouth!

Later that weekend it was off to our friend's house where Lincoln had some adorable Christmas photos taken in his PJs!

I love this one. I wanted to get a picture of us snuggling before he's too old to want to snuggle!

And again with the hands in the mouth. He's so cute though I can barely stand it!

Soon, I was off work and ready to spend an entire 13 days with my boy. I was super excited. On the agenda (besides our usually 4 Christmases) was breaking Lincoln of the swing. He had gotten into a habit of only napping if he was swinging in his swing. So, my goal was to have him napping in his crib by the end of the two week period. Luckily, I was mostly successful :)

The first of the four Christmases was with Fred's side of the family. We had all 32 of them over about 10 days before Christmas. I was worried that it would just be insanity, but it worked out wonderfully and we had a great time.

Lincoln and his grandma.

Fred and his sisters.

Fred with mother and sisters.

Fred's sister Pam with her oldest, Gail, Richie and Gentry and eight of her ten grandchildren!

Next up was Christmas with the Antouns, my step-father's family. Unfortunately my mom was sick with a horrible flu that was going around this year and wasn't able to make it. Much of Craig's family had not yet met Lincoln, so it was great for everyone to get to meet the newest addition to the family.

Craig's really getting this "grandpa-thing" down :)

The third celebration was with my mom's side of the family on Christmas Eve. This year only my cousin's Andy, Abby and baby Sophia and Uncle Ed could make it. BUT, it was awesome that Sophia got to come and visit with Linc. They are so super cute together!

Linc was not really having the photos that all I got was his super-serious poker-face lol!

Cousin Sophia, on the other hand, was all smiles!

So, this photo gives you a little indication of their differences in mood that day. Every time I look at this picture I crack up! lol! Look at that lip?!? He is so dramatic. And little Miss Sunshine on the right lol!

Sophia, just like her Daddy, seems super-outgoing and fun-loving. She was very interested in Lincoln and was grabbing at him a lot. He was more reserved and looked at her like "um, what are you doing?" lol! I can't wait to see them grow up together! 

Then finally it was Christmas Day! We woke up and opened some of Lincolns gifts from Mommy and Daddy and Santa of course! He didn't really know what to make of the paper and all the crinkle noises...he didn't seem too impressed. But, he did love some of his toys!

After opening gifts and stopping at Fred's mothers house for breakfast we headed downriver to my Aunt's house to celebrate with my Dad's side of the family. At my aunt's house Lincoln was showered with love by the "greats:" Great Grandma, Great Aunt Alicia and Great Great Aunt Theresa!

This was the first time meeting his Great Great Aunt Theresa!

My Grandma Betty spoiled Lincoln absolutely rotten! I think she had 20 presents for him, literally. It was insane!

And of course Lincoln and Lorenzo loved spending time together. God, I love my boys :)

I would say Lincoln had a very nice first Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. and no pics of his first Christmas with his sick Nonna :-(. Oh well I will need to get lots of us this year. This boy is sure surrounded by allot of loving family!!
