
March 16, 2012

Week 21

Week 16

Week 19

Week 21

Week 21

Definitely got the BELLY now...and looky-here...giant ass also included lol!

We have PASSED the half-way mark. Holy sh*t!!! Time seems to be passing even faster now. How on God's green Earth is that even possible!

Noteworthy items this week: After lasts weeks medical scare we also learned early this week that the caregiver we were hoping could take baby boy after I return to work will not be able to take him until January. This is leaving us with about 3 1/2 months and no idea of what we will do for childcare three days a week (we have 2 days set with our mothers). So, I did not need this bad news on top of last weeks medical scare. Talk about stressful!

The women is taking on another newborn in August and wanted to wait until the babies were a bit older to have both of them. I completely understand. I appreciate her honestly but was also bummed we were now in need of childcare options least for Fall.

BUT - like a Godsend, my bosses agreed to let me work from home one day per week when I return from my maternity leave. I will take 10 weeks off continuous and then take one day off per week on FMLA for another 10 weeks. After that I will only need to work from home one day per week for 6 weeks- or until the holiday break. AND, like a second Godsend, not only is my mother in law actually going to retire in Fall, I have two friends who have agreed to help us out in the Fall one or two days a week with childcare. So, we are ALL SET! It worked itself out so easily it was like a dream. We have some amazing friends and family and this just shows again how very lucky we are.

Also, baby boy is already receiving some early gifts. We received the car seat/travel system from my Great-Aunt Theresa and Grandma about a week ago.

We also received the Ninja food processor from my ex-boss Suzanne (the hubs was crazy excited about this gift).

And we've received some other gifts as well, such as scrapbooks, milestone calendars and of course hand-me-downs from some of our awesome friends and family!

Pregnancy symptoms: Stomach upsets, gas and indigestion. Tums have become a regular part of my diet. No more vomiting- yay! But occasional yay...
How far along: 21 weeks 3 days
How big is baby? 10.5 ounces, 8 inches
Weight gain/loss? +3.5 lbs (I swear I'm eating. The scale won't budge. Now that's a first...sigh)

Maternity clothes: Yes
Sleep: Had a pretty horrible dream I went into labor at 23 weeks...but other than that sleep has been good.
Food cravings/aversions: Upset stomach most days, so I'm rarely craving anything actually....
Gender: Boy!What are you looking forward to this week: I would LOVE for my protein S levels to come back elevated! Significantly elevated. That is ALL I am hoping for...

1 comment:

  1. YEP there is a baby in thar belly! awww. Can not wait to see this little one in the flesh. Although I am worried about you(and baby boy!) I am finding so much faith to cling to through this, as I am hoping you are too.
