
September 15th 2010

Fred and I are doing it! We've decided to start a family. The decision came so quickly it was a shock to us both.

Originally, we thought we would wait until Summer 2011 to begin- but after talking about it we thought, why? Money? What's to say next year will be any better or worse? Anything can happen! And no matter what, money is never enough, you never have everything or all that you want- we have a good home and two secure jobs and those are the most important things.

Next, we thought about my health. I am so lucky to have a job that covers my Lovenox so that a pregnancy is even possible. And my delivery will be covered with the best doctors we can find.

Most importantly we have a solid, loving, supportive marriage. We live each day so in love and grateful to have each other. We want nothing more than to be together in a loving marriage and family, and THAT is what really matters.

So, here we are.
I'm nervous, excited, scared, worried, happy and peaceful all at the same time!

I started my Lovenox injections and have decreased my caffeine intake. Here goes nothing!
We're jumping in with both feet!

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