
Lincoln's Second and Third Week

Lincoln's second and third week home were pretty eventful. We took our first walk as a family. I wasn't able to get very far, as I was still healing from the c-section, but we made it a few houses down and got to get out of the house for a few minutes- it was nice.

Lincoln's personality is starting to set in more and more. He is a pretty funny baby- like this face he started making while he was drinking -- cross-eyed so he never misses a drop out of that bottle!

We had more visits from very special people, like Great Grandma Betty.

And I finally got a picture I've been waiting for- Chicken (Lorenzo) and Monkey (Lincoln) meeting for the first time : )

There were a lot snuggles, of course- and a bout with lactose-intolerance. So we changed up the formula and it seems to be working well. But, I do have to say- week three was a little rough. We got very little sleep and Lincoln was in a lot of pain with gas. It was heart-breaking to see him in so much pain and not be able to help him. We're very glad the diet change seems to be working.

We took our first trip to the park. It was nice but short. The black flies were out in full force, so after about an hour we packed up and headed home.

Fred and I find ourselves staring at him in amazement. We can't believe we created such a perfect little person together- its mind-blowing.

At the beginning of week two Lincoln also had his first bath. He didn't mind it much and sat there looking around mostly. He seemed like he liked the warm water.

Lincoln also had his first and second doctor visit with Dr. Berry, our pediatrician. The doc said Lincoln is doing wonderfully. A tiny bit of diaper rash and a clogged tear-duct were the only issues. At the first appointment Linc weighed 4lbs 13oz (up 5 oz since leaving the hospital) and by the second appointment one week later he was up a full pound to 5lbs 13 oz!!!

As we head into week four I am very lucky to have my mother (Nonna) helping me out as Fred will be going back to work. I am still healing and very much appreciate her help. Plus I'm also excited for Linc to get to spend some quality time with her as I know she'll be a central, and important, person in his life.

"Making the decision to have a child is momentous.  It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body."  ~Elizabeth Stone

1 comment:

  1. these are some special moments ! Beautiful pictures. What a wonderful child with some pretty amazing parents!
