
February 27, 2012

To have or not to have...a penis that is.

So, as any of you who follow my blog know (and I know there are many of you who take a peek but do not have blogger accounts) my husband and I are having a baby boy this summer.

However, something has been troubling me a bit the last few weeks since we announced the news. I am really surprised by the amount of people (women exclusively) who when I say I'm having a boy say "oh, well you can always try again for a girl." Or some variation of "awwww"- and I don't mean "awww" as in 'that's cute,' I'm talking "awww," as in -'that's too bad.' Can I seriously say a giant W.T.F. to all of those people!?! I actually had a co-worker say...get this..."well, I guess someone has to have 'em." Like it is some spiteful punishment from God because he did not grant me a vagina child. Are you f*cking kidding me people!!!

Some people are a nicer about it...saying "oh, congrats...I've always wanted a girl myself..." or some variation of this. Which is fine, we can all have our preferences and I always thought I wanted a girl too, really I did. And this doesn't bother me to hear honestly because I felt the same way for a long time. I had a friend tell me once, after finding out she was having a boy when she wanted a girl - "it just didn't matter when the doctor said boy, I was just happy." Now I know what she meant.

I think most women (myself included) always think they'd want a baby girl because- well, we're girls ourselves and we think we'd have more in common with a girl. We can go shopping, get our nails done or whatever it is we feel having a girl would be better for. And maybe we'd be right. Or maybe we'd get a girl that has absolutely nothing in common with us what-so-ever. And I would wager the likelihood of this is just as high as the likelihood that she'll be a mini version of her mother. My mother and I have always been very close. So, naturally I've always wanted a similar relationship with my child. But then, two years ago, my aunt gave birth to a little guy named Lorenzo (or Chicken to me) and he really did change my life.

Not only was Chicken the only baby I've seen being born (an amazing experience might I add that I would suggest anyone who gets the opportunity to see do may be thinking "ewww" or "gross" or something else...but just trust me on this one. Do it.) but he has also been the child in my life I've "clicked" with the most. I can not imagine him being anything other than who and what he is...and I wouldn't want him to be.

So, when the doctor announced the appearance of a tiny little penis in our ultrasound, I smiled. One because I thought about Mr. Chicken, two because the little stinker was already playing with his tiny penis and three because the smile spread across my husband's face was priceless. I couldn't want anything else because, after all, this was how my family is supposed to be. And if one day we're blessed with a little girl (if we even decide to have a 2nd child) that will be awesome. But, if we have a house full of boys I will be just as happy because they're ours. Penis or no penis, they're ours.


  1. I'm pretty excited about this little guy. I have had way more people say "OH! thats wonderful,boys are the best" (I have many clients with Grandsons) But I really think I would get a similar feedback if I had said you were having a girl .They each have thier own perks. But what I really find is that it is the individual childs personality that sets them apart,not what is between the legs.

  2. i think it is because i'm in a field with a lot of women's lib and feminism and the whole 'girl power' thing is so strong..which I totally get. but I think it is just as important to have boys and men out there who believe in equality for women and respect women as it is to have female feminists. all i can hope is that my son turned out much like my husband, that would make me happy as pie (with a slightly greater inclination towards school) : )

  3. I know you will raise a son to respect women. Fred is a great example of a man and I doubt you would put up with your little guy not treating a women right. I'm sure he will have his moments though...:-)

  4. yeah "Are you kidding me Gomer?" Really?!?! "Are you kidding me!"

  5. boys ALWAYS love their mommies, *most* girls go through a period when they can't agree with their moms ever... just saying...
